Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The End of a Trip

All this week I have been listening to a variety of books on CD while I travel throughout NY State.  My favorite was  Story Tellers Daughter by   Saira Shah.  What a courageous woman she is and she helped me to understand better what is going on over in Afghanistan.  This book was not what I expected and I am very glad our wonderful library purchased it and had it available before I left.  Put it on your list of books to read, I promise you won't be disappointed. 
But another book I listened to that really fit in with the scenes was The Hobbit.  Listening to it while I look out to the far mountain, which is Whiteface, and listening to how they are trying to break into the mountain; I found myself telling them to reach to the right don't they see the change in the rock.  I could see it right there in front of me, silly hobbits.  Also as they moved through the book and mentioned vast valleys I was situated at a lake that is an exclusive resort and this is what I saw:

Can't you just imagine the hobbits moving through this mountain range?  I know I could and it added to the enjoyment of the book.  Thank you Cindy for finding me that particular copy, because it really made the book come to life.  I also had the joy of going back to the site where the giants are playing a game of marbles, lets see if you can pick their next play.

But today I did see something that was incredible and yet very sad; but at the same time it made me appreciate what I have waiting for me at home.  I was on my way to another trap and as I passed a cemetery, which if you know me I do love cemeteries; and a stone caught my eye.  As I was passing it looked like a statue of satan with his big wings enveloping the stone.  I went to the next trap but I turned right around and had to get a closer view.  It was not a statue of satan, but a beautiful statue of a dragon.  It was so wonderfully done that it was a true piece of art.

The sad thing was the part for whom this stone was in memorial, it was for a 11 year old boy.  Close enough to the same age as Mathew, my heart went out to the mom of this precious little boy who had to make the choice on how to remember her own son.  I immediately went to my phone and tried calling my boy so I could let him know just how much he is loved by his mom.  Unfortunately I had just missed him because he was on his way to bible school with grandpa and his brother.  But I made sure that when I talked with him for bed time I told him how much I do love him.  So for tomorrow night we have a date where alot of cuddling will take place and lots of loving. 
Overall this trip has taken its toll, nine days on the road where I have drove approximately 2200 miles throughout NY.  I have listened to eight different books, read one book, wrote three times in the blog, met lots of people along the way but the worst part is missing the boys, my dog and my bed.   Although I do love traveling everywhere, I can not wait to crash at home and have my boys on either side of me and my dog at my feet.  But I can't get too comfortable because we leave the next day for a mini vacation.  Next week I will enjoy my bed.

Journey's End by J. R. R. Tolkien
In western lands beneath the Sun
The flowers may rise in Spring,
The trees may bud, the waters run,
The merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night,
And swaying branches bear
The Elven-stars as jewels white
Amid their branching hair.

Though here at journey's end I lie
In darkness buried deep,
Beyond all towers strong and high,
Beyond all mountains steep,
Above all shadows rides the Sun
And Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
Nor bid the Stars farewell.

I would add the following line:
Because soon we shall be back again 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Memories of Summer

It has been a hot few days during this last travel week.  Very Hot.  I have been working in Saratoga and Washington County for the past two days.  The area reminds me so much of home, lots of farm fields and lots of friendly people.  My favorite people are those that have either allowed me to use their dumpsters or have directed me to a transfer station.  It seems a little pathetic when one of the highlights  of my day is when I can find an area to throw out my garbage.  
But truly I have taken the time this trip to really look for the small farmstands and the mom and pop places along the path.  Yesterday I got some really yummy strawberries, banana split trail mix and a yummy cantaloupe.  They did have some really good sounding sandwiches, but the line was huge and the prices were a little too high.  So I passed on the sandwiches.
Today I found another small farmstand that does not appear from the outside as anything grand, but let me tell you it was very grand.  I had the most delicious Tomales, stuffed grape leaves and a tomato and mozzarella salad.  They made a wonderful dinner.   But the one thing they did have that I did not try was homemade bread.  It smelled wonderful but at the time I did not want any, big mistake.  Now I wish I had some of that bread.

Earlier today though I did have that cantaloupe from the farmstand the day before.  As I was driving around checking the traps and sweating like crazy I enjoyed that sweet juicy cantaloupe.  But part of me was not all there, part of me was going back in time to my grandmothers kitchen.  I started to remember how during the summer we would have lunch at grandmas and she always seemed to have cantaloupe.  Not that I am complaining, I do love cantaloupe.  But I also started remembering many other things that happened during the summer at grandmas, such as the day she would not let me into her house until I was hosed off outside.  I had gone for a walk in the swamp, and lets just say I did not return looking like I was going to the royal ball. The water from the hose may have been cold, but she did not scold me, I believe she actually laughed with me.  My favorite treat though was either  the Rhubarb in the spring to chew on raw  or the sour apples in the fall as we walked back home.  Come to think of it maybe this is why I still love sour candies and food.  I don't remember a summer where my legs did not have cut grass marks all over them, the swamp was full of that grass and somehow I always managed to get cut by it.

At the time many of our small  life events  don't seem significant, but later in life we can look back and say those are the experiences that made us who we are today.  Grandma taught me many things, but the  lessons of the summer were, to eat healthy, and if you get dirty don't even think about tracking that mud into her house.  But truly I did learn that it is okay to get dirty and to play hard, and then to take the time to clean up and still look like a lady.....I am still working on that part. 
 I still eat cantaloupe and think fondly of my grandmothers kitchen.  I still get dirty and  sometimes wait to see if I will be allowed inside or if I have to wait for the mud to dry first.   Grandma always had the radio on during lunch and we would listen to Paul Harvey.   And as I finished the last bit of cantaloupe today I think I heard  Paul Harvey say...'Good day'. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

On a Quest

I believe that everyday we receive messages.  Not just on our phones or our emails, but messages from the world around us.  For example I may stub my toe on a chair, well if I had put that chair away I would not have stubbed my toe, thus the message is 'clean up after your self'.  Well this summer I have been receiving alot of messages, and quit honestly I am not sure what the message is or what  I should do about them.
During the first part of my many road trips I came across a small sign of where Joseph Smiths boyhood home was located.  For those of you who do not know who Joseph Smith was, he founded the Mormon Church.  Okay so the first sign was no big deal, but it was really cool to see it.  Did you know that he grew up in a small lowland area, otherwise known as a swamp.  Hmmm, I have something in common with him, very cool, maybe I can start my own church also.  NOT.
The second big road trip, I see Joseph Smiths birthplace and the very large granite stone at the site.  Did you know it is the shiniest  and most polished stone in the world?  Neither did I till I saw it.  So now there are two signs or messages.  My interest is peaked.
Third and current trip, I see where Joseph Smith got married.  Okay now this is getting a little to repetitive.  I think I should start paying more attention. 
But the last one is a real hmmmm thought, Jeff is going off to Utah next month for vacation.  Now wait a minute does this mean that with all this messages and signs and with him going away, are we turning Morman and I do not know it?  Am I on a pilgrimage?  Because if I am, then I am not so sure what I am suppose to learn. So far I have learned that Smith came from humble beginnings and ended with a church that I hear is covered in Gold.  Maybe I could have the same fate?  Wouldn't that be nice.  But probably not and the last I checked we are not converting.  But I am interested in what others think all of these signs are and what they mean.  Because I am completely puzzled.
I do know though that my end result would not be decorated in gold.  It would be decorated in Mickey Ears  and all things Disney :)

I look forward to reading your opinions and thoughts.