Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who is Big Brother

My goal lately has been to read all of the books on the BBC list of 100 books everyone should read,  So far I have read or listened to .......drum roll please.......16 books.  That does not seem like alot but it really has changed my genres and point of view.  I must comment though, I wish they would add "The Grapes of Wrath" to the list, how is it this book did not end up on the list?  This book has turned into one of my top 5 books ever, it really opens your mind and heart to those that were affected by the dust bowl and those who may be affected again if the crops keep failing.
One of the recent books I listened to while traveling through Vermont was "1984".  Now that is a thought provoking book if I must say so, it really left me with many deep thoughts.  Although the world is not as predicted it would be by 1984, you have to ask yourself is it too far off the mark though?  One of the main themes throughout the book is that Big Brother is always watching.  Is he watching you right now?  Think not, try again.  As I was traveling I noticed the billboards for reporting underage drinking, who do you think that is?  Big Brother.  I noticed a billboard for you to report insurance fraud, who do you think that is?  Big Brother.  We are taught as a society to watch each other and encouraged to report on those we feel are not conforming to society or trying to get ahead by cheating.  That sounds alot like Big Brother to me.  In the book Big Brother does not really exist, he is a fictional figure to bring peace to everyone.   On all of those billboards not one has a picture of who to report to, but yet if we call in on someone it will bring us peace of mind to know we did a good service.  Big Brother once again is here and yet we don't recognize him. 
I also drove through Saratoga Springs while listening to the part where they are giving our main character an insight into what society will be like in the future.  As I drove through town, I noticed how everyone was dressed the same, everyone walked the same, and when they got in their cars, they were all the same.  The most disturbing item though was how in "1984" they mention that no one will care about anyone else, there will be no love.  Observing those walking on the street, I saw very little touching of the partners and many people went out of their way to walk around another person.  Have we really as a society started to make "1984" true or was this a one day observation? 
As I traveled all over this summer I have met alot of great people, and a few that were not so great, but overall it was a fulfilling adventure.  I would hope the events and feeling of "1984" do not come to fruition but I still wonder what kind of world my boys will grow up in and will they too conform to society to the point they loose their identity.  I hope not.  All along I have taught the boys one mantra, " its okay to be different" .  I hope it sticks with them forever and in the future they will not have to worry about Big Brother nor lack of love and feelings as predicted in "1984".  May their world be filled with love, adventure and joy; on their terms and not by someone else.

So how many books have you read from the list?  Maybe by this time next year I can say I have completed the list, or maybe closing in on the finish line :)  

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