Sunday, July 27, 2014


Ahh wisconsin,, you are a beautiful state with rolling farm fields filled with corn and soy beans. But you really should come with a warning label about your wind. Good golly the wind was brutal today. It was so strong it almost pushed me over a few times. I would work my way up over a hill for the great anticipated  treat of going downhill to coast, but no not in wisconsin.  In wisconson you keep pedaling downhill because the wind pushes you back up the hill. 
What a great adventure today was.  I did have a minor fall today at a red light. I came to a sudden stop and I could not get my clips out fast enough, so over I went turtle style. I no longer can favor my one good knee now because both are now equally injured.  But like the trooper I am, I got back up and kept on pedaling. I hurt but I kept going. Until my friend frazer told me to stop and get in the van, it was time to rest, oh and he was so right on that one even if I put up a little fight not to ride in the van. But after lunch I got back on the bike and pedaled again,  that is till the storm hit and we had to seek shelter in a tree line.   There is nothing more bonding  with good friends then huddling together in a tree line as you watch the rain fall sideways and the thunder and lightning is all around you.  Then I prayed for my favorite support vehicle to come to my rescue, and just like prince charming, along came thom and saved the day. I was so very thankful mentally and my poor knees were thankful physically.
I learned alot today about the difference between a challenge and just trying to be tough or as some people I know put it, being a stubborn swede . Challenges come before us to make us wiser after they pass.  Its how we approach it and solve the challenge that defines us. My biggest challenge this week is not the wind  nor the road,  its me. I set my own challenges and only I can solve those challenges because they are meant to teach me something.   I need to learn that its okay if a challenge is not solved or sent packing on its way back home, I did not fail, it was my approach that failed.  Its okay to  ask for help and to accept that help to get through the challenge. Maybe tomorrow I can learn that lesson before I am in the middle of the challenge, there is a 1000 foot climb tomorrow. ...hmmm I wonder if I am up for the challenge?

1 comment:

  1. I think you should go easy on yourself now. It's nice to hear that you've gotten up and surged on from that. Perhaps you can have your knees checked again for any lingering damage, as soon as your recovery's done. I guess for now, you can embrace your little victories. Take care!

    Dot Eastman @ US Health Works
