Saturday, December 10, 2016

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy.   I have said to many people, till next we meet,  instead of good bye because it makes the moment a little easier to handle.  But there are times when you just don't know when you will meet again, such as when they cross the rainbow bridge.  I have had to say goodbye to many pets in my life and each time does not get easier.  But this time is really hitting hard watching it through the eyes of my children.

We adopted Jack 11 years ago to be a companion to Haley.  We had recently moved and she was missing her park friends and was showing signs of depression.  So off the boys and I went to the humane society and we found Jack.  He wasn't always  what I would label as a good dog.  Oh he has challenged my patience and others so many times.  He liked to get on the kitchen counters and eat whatever bread you had available, and he somehow had the uncanny ability to pick the one loaf that you had plans for the next meal.  He liked to eat the kitty liter for a bedtime snack and then come up to bed and burp into my face.  He liked to poo anywhere and everywhere in the barn, especially the rooms we had just cleaned.  He liked to walk right in front of me and bounce like tiger to the point where I could not walk another step.  He liked to run off and visit his friends in the village at the most inconvenient times and late at night.  He liked to roll in the freshest horse manure and turn his gray/black fur a weird color of green.  He liked to get in the garbage and spread it through the kitchen and the diningroom.   He knew he was being naughty when he was caught and would hang his head low and put himself in timeout, but just like any other child he would do it again... and again.

But Jack wasn't always bad he had his good moments.  He would alert us if anyone was on the property or near his boys.  He was all talk when confronting a visitor but he sure did sound fierce.  He would come cuddle next to me at night when I was lonely.  He followed us everywhere and never strayed too far when we walked in the woods.  He loved to sit and watch us mow the lawn or do any yard work.  He was beginning to get along with the cat and on occasion we would see them actually cuddling.  He would wait patiently for me to wake up on the weekends when I desperately needed some rest.  My favorite thing though is when I would pick him up at my parents and I would be greeted with a hug on the stairs and a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Today we celebrate his life with us and how much he means to us.  As he crosses the bridge and joins Haley we want him to go with a bounce and a run while knowing he is loved.  He has been showered with love the last two days after we discovered he was in pain due to a large mass in his abdomen.  We were advised surgery was not an option as the mass was aggressive and had grown quickly.  He would more than likely die during the operation due to the stress on his body.  So we decided that instead of having him go alone we would surround him with our love and give him the best days filled with his favorite foods and those we kept away from him but he desperately wanted to enjoy.  He has had busy bones, donuts, hot dogs, cheeseburgers and sausage.  But most of all he had hugs and kisses and walks along his path in the back field. 

It was a hard day saying goodbye and now a month later I still can not write this or read it without crying.   But I know that we gave him the best three days of his life and we let him go with the grace, dignity and love that he deserved. 

As I look back at 2016 all I can wish is that 2017 will be a better year.   I have certainly had my ups and my downs in 2016 but I would not change them nor will I regret anything that happened.  Jack was there for me during many of those times and he will be missed.   As I look to the coming year  I know that he is looking at us from across that rainbow bridge and sending us his love still and even though he is not with us physically he is with us in spirit. 

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